9 February 2020
FAN is grateful to the National Lottery Community Fund for its support for work in Swansea, Llanelli, Newport and Usk where groups are growing.
Take a look at our Find a FAN Meeting page for full details.
FAN is a friendly and relaxed way for local people and those from around the world to meet, talk and listen to each other. We sit in a circle, talk about our daily lives, our ideas and experiences. No need to book.
FAN yw ffordd gyfeillgar ac anffurfiol i bobl leol a rhai o bob cwr o'r byd cyfarfod, siarad a gwrando ar ei gilydd. Rydyn ni'n eistedd mewn cylch, yn siarad am ein bywydau bob dydd, ein syniadau a'n profiadau. Ni does angen archebu lle.