Please find below documentation relating to our governance.
Opening and closing statements
- Opening and closing statment - English
- Opening and closing statment - Arabic
- Opening and closing statment - Cantonese
- Opening and closing statment - Dari
- Opening and closing statment - Kishwali
- Opening and closing statment - Mandarin
- Opening and closing statment - Mandarin
- Opening and closing statment - Polish
- Opening and closing statment - Russian
- Opening and closing statment - Spanish
- Opening and closing statment - Ukrainian
- Opening and closing statment - Urdu
- Opening and closing statment - Welsh
- Conflict of interest policy
- Data protection policy and procedures
- Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- Sustainability - Environment
- Financial controls
- Health and safety policy
- Permission - photography and video
- Safeguarding policy
- Volunteering
- Welsh language policy
- Settling Differences, Dealing with Complaints